25 APRIL 1829, Page 3

COT.ONTILL APPEAT.S._The Lords of the Privy Cote - toil were yesterday en-

gaged at the Council-offiee in hearing appeals from the colonies. Counsel

the renewal of the East India Company's charter. The petition, alter a good COURT OF KING'S BENCII.—Tho adjourned sitting:: after Hilary Term Were deal of discussion, was carried by acclamation ; and a committee was named resertnet1 on Wednesday morning. before Lord Tenterden.

VALIDITY OF A COMnissloN oF 13ANtiitur-RX.-7.11r. Ifernnscuui and others, SILK TRADE.—We regret to learn from several (plasters, that the throwsters assignees of Messrs. Chambers, the late hanker: in New Bond-street. arc the consider filmset% es so totally undone by the abandonment of their interests by plaintiffs, and the late Sheriff: of London aud Middlesex, and a Mr. Wilton, Government, that they are resolved to close their concerns and petition Par- the defeelants. The plaintiffs so:tele te.ctwer ISOOL, the value of goods lianient for compensation. Macclesfield herald.- [A mislest and sensible seized in execution by the Sheriff:. at the suit of Wilton. belltre, as they con- petition.] tended, a valid commission of bankruptcy hail been issued. The e;tse was SWAN RIVER SETTLEMENT.—An outcry is made as to the manner in which first brouele before the Court of Exchequer ; and after a trial of two days, this settlement is likely to be conduct-el; and the principle of favouritism is the Jury found a verdict for the delOntliets. The details are without any said to have actuated Ministers too much in disposing of some of the best lands. interest except to the parties concerned. The trial engaged the Court the whole Mr. Secretary Peel's brother-in-law, and one or two other favoured indivi- of Wednesday, when the Jury,heitler lewd Tentertienis direction, build for the duals, it would appear, have ohtaitml grants of immense tracts of land in the the plaintitk, with muninal damages of one shilling; thus eitablishing the most eligible Sitnation3. The Morning Post says—" None of these indivi- validity of the commission.

duals are possessed of sufficient capital for the adequate culture of more titan voace.—In the case of the Marchione tit' Westmeath against the Marquis a very small portion of their allotment. and all of them look forward to realize of Westmeath, for a divorce, the Court of Arches, on Saturday, affirmed a an annual rental by sub-letting what they cannot or will not occupy." Mr. previous judgment by Sir John Nichol! for a separation it ovum et ikoro. Ott Peel's friend is said to have no intention whatever of embarking his person, the part of the Marchioness it was alleged, that the Martinis had treated her

family, or fortune, in the interests of the rising colony.. with great cruelty, and had carried on an illicit connexion tvilh women of the P,mtottATIoN.—The process of emigration appears to hare commenced lowest description. Oa the other side. Lady (At:resale and the Dowager

with renewed alacrity. The vessels that have left our port lately tier North Marchioness of Salisbury, Lady Westmeath's mother, deposed that they never America have all exhibited on their decks a numerous complement of knew of the Marquis treating his wile with affectionate kindness and passengers. Amongst them we have observed both males and females of tenderness ; whereas the behaviour of lite .M:treilioncss towarth hint was most every age, and of various classes of society. They all seem to evince an provoking, and the Marchioness of Salisbury he haul often of her (laughter


eagerness to quit the country of their birth, and, judging from their coon- to be more conciliatory to her hoshatid. he lollowing is one of the letters from tenanees, we should say that not one in a hundred feels any regret upon that the Marchioness to the Marquis of Westmeath, which were read in Court :— score. That some amongst them may have formed a very inadequate notion eery dear Nus.—Pll give you a few instances of your attachment to me. You of a voyage in search of wealth and independence to the northern extresnity first took me ;may Cram :dl my friends, and shut me up in an obscure corner of the world, without horses or s:2rvant. In the bitter winter of ISI3 and 1814, was in a of the New Wor'd is evident from the following anecdote, upon the truth of room not papered, sashes rotten, w:tli child, very hi; not allowed any thing but which our readers may rely. On Tuesday morning last the Triton sailed green wood for firing", because turf was two shillings a kish, instead of ono. when Your affeetiouate