25 APRIL 1840, Page 19


A Collection if Glees and Cottons. Contpo,s.ed by Jos. MeMunurE, Mus. Bac., Oxon.

Among the glee-writers of the present day. Mr. MeMunous holds a respectable rank. Ii is cons nosi nn ne ti■;, rd principles of pure vocal harmony : unlike many, whose poverty is con- cealed beneath instrumental accompaniment, the glees of the present collection are solely compositions for voices, in the combination of which the hand of a sound musician is aaparent throughout. Among the most pleasing, may be named " By the dark ralliag wa ers.'' and "Sweet echo." The canons are excellent 1 and esaeciaily " Acne Dei," and " Qnis est Ilex gloriosus," both of which are admirable specimens, in very different styles, of' this difficult species of counterpoiat. Most of the compositions in this collection are tar men's voices, and therefore well adapted for the use of glee-clubs, into which treble voices not often find their way.