25 APRIL 1840, Page 2

From Halifax, Nova Scotia, we have newspapers to the 2d,

and private letters to the 4th instant. .Affairs in Nova Scotia have assumed a very serious aspect. The House of Assembly voted resolutions declaring the uccessity of remodelling the Executive Council on the principle of Lout JOHN RUSSELL'S despatch of the 16th October 1839, so as to produce harmony between the Government and the house of Assembly. The resolutions having been communicated to the Governor, Sir COLIN CAMPBELL, his Excellency replied, that he had no reason to believe any alteration in the sentiments of the Queen's Ministers had occurred ; and that he was in every way satisfied with the assistance he had received from his Council. The Assembly then remonstrated with the Governor, pressing him to carry out the principle laid down by the head of the Colonial Department. Sir COLIN replied that he could not put the same interpretation on the despatch as the Assemble, but promised to refer the address and resolutions of the Assembly to the Government at home. Thereupon the As- sembly adopted a petition to the Queen to remove Sir COMN CAMPBELL ; ;1;0 Sir Col.'s immediately prorogued his Parliament. The t.t!ieiy1 party had sufficient influence to prevail upon a public incc ling to adopt resolutions approving of the Governor's conduct and censuring the Assembly. The members for the county and city of Halifax summoned a meeting of their constitu- ents, at which Mr. Howe:, a well-known Reformer in the House of Assembly, was the principal speaker. The Government party managed to prolong the proceedings till a late hour; when au adjournment took place. Mr. Howa said he was quite satisfied with what had been done ; and recommended the people to leave the decision of the question to the hustings. The IV"aver,scothen says that the majority in flavour of the Members and against the Governor was overwhelming. Very great excitement prevailed, and Mr. Howl: was carried home on the shoulders of the people. "Resiodisible Government " bus also been agitated in the House of Assembly of New Brunswick. Governor HARVEY, it will be remembered, we the first to publish the Colonial Office despatch regarding the selection of public functionaries and the tenure of offices; and the 1{e:brawrs in the Assembly were determined that this important document should not remain a dead letter. Accord- ingly, the House being in Committee, a resolution was moved ex- pressing high satis:itetion with the announcement of the Queen's intentb,11 tt to infuse ttriue:ples into the administration of Colonial affairs str;etly enalegt_ us to the principles of the7British Constitu- tion." The Give rnment party moved an amendment, stating that there was nothing in the despatch "to call forth any expression front the House on the subject of Colonial Government." Where- upon the Reformers moved untidier amendment, couched in stronger language than their Herr ri:solnt ion- " Resolved, a, the opinio:, of this Committee, that the House should view the despatch 1011 as di.t holly reeogoixing an efficient responsibility on the parr of the Exci.oti,•e officers of the Representative branch of the Pro- vincial overn ine r."

The divisit us show how nearly parties were balanced. The last amendment was negatived by a vote of 15 to 13—the Speaker voting in the minority. On the first amendment the numbers were equal-14 and 14 ; when the Chairman of the Committee gave his casting-vote for it and the Government. The result must be regarded as a virtual victory for the Reformers. A Government saved by a casting-vote is in fitet defeated.

Thus it Litpears that the demand for " responsible government" is raised throughout British North America. The meeting of the United Legisbiture of Upper and Lower Canada will be the signal for a ittovement to that which has taken place in the Assemblies of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick ; and of the readiness of Newfmnalland to take the same course we arc well assured. Lord Jonx Russem. perhaps only intended by his famous despatch to aid Mr. Pot.I.ETT TnomsoN in managing the refractory metnhers of the Upper Canada Legislature ; but he has put a weapon into the Lapis of the whole body of Colonial Re- former::, which they are prepared to use with effect against the Bureaucracy. of Downing Street.