25 APRIL 1868, Page 2

To judge from two characteristic letters written recently 'by the

Pope's command, we expect the Archbishop will catch a Tartar for consenting to accept the cousinship. The Bishop of Trent a short while ago indite,' an incendiary Pastoral denounc- ing the impiousness of any attempt in any way to modify the godly legislation of the Concordat. The language used by the Prelate was positively seditious. Cardinal Quaglia, Prefect of the Congregation of Bishops, has now addressed to him a letter ex- pressive of the Pope's ecstasy at the truly Christian sentiments of a pastoral the whole essence of which was to rouse the fanaticism -of the Tyrolese in behalf of intolerance. On the other hand, the same Cardinal has communicated to Cardinal Trevisanati, Patriarch of Venice, the Pope's astonishment that he should have so forgotten himself as to have attended the recent inhumation at Venice of Manin's remains. The Patriarch is reported to have replied that as a Venetian he had felt it his duty to attend the obsequies of an illustrious fellow-citizen.