25 APRIL 1908, Page 31


(TO THE EDITOR OF THE " Er ELT/TOR:1 SIR,—" A Constant Reader" attempts in last week's Spectator to confuse the issues of your admirable article on the Govern- ment and the Sugar-tax. Tea and sugar are not comparable, as the latter is not only a more important article of food, but it is also a raw material, which tea is not. Your correspon- dent shows his ignorance by asserting that the tax is not felt. Manufacturers could tell a very different tale. The new Prime Minister himself admits that "the tax is vicious in principle and burdensome in its incidence." Other Ministers have been equally emphatic in their condemnation of the unjust Sugar-duties, and a very large number of supporters of the Government are, it is well known, pledged to vote for the reduction or abolition of the tax.—I am, Sir, &c.,