25 APRIL 1914, Page 10


Boman Private Law : Jurisprudence. By E. C. Clark, LL.D. 2 vols. (Cambridge University Press. 21s. net.)— These two interesting volumes have been compiled by Dr. Clark, Regius Professor of Civil Law, as part of a history of Roman private law, which he has, he tells us, unfortunately little hope of completing. The work is designed rather for the student than the examination candidate, though its wide scope and lucid writing would make it an exceedingly valuable intro- duction to any general study of law. In the first volume Dr. Clark deals with the meaning, origin, and sources of law, and in the second (which shows a tendency to return to Blackstone's arrangement) analyses concurrently the Roman and the modern corpus Jun's, with copious reference to modern codes and theories. The book, which is the fruit of many years of study, contains much original work, and should be sure of wide recognition.