25 APRIL 1914, Page 10


The Journal of the Society of Comparative Legislation. New Series: No. XXX., January, 1914. Edited by Sir L Macdonell, C.B., LL.D., and E. Manson. (John Murray. So. net.)—The current number of this valuable publication consists, for the most part, of the annual review of the world's legislation during the preceding year. This review, which, it need hardly be said, is entrusted to most competent hands, tends to increase in bulk yearly, and in the present volume it occupies no less than two hundred and thirty pages. Amongst the preliminary articles may be noticed a summary of the Bankruptcy and Deeds of Arrangement Act, 1913, and an interesting paper by Mr. Charles E. Reis on Spanish Law in the British Empire. The writer points out that Trinidad was the only colony in which Spanish law was actually in force at the time of the British acquisition. Even here he considers it extinct at the present day, except in so far as it is still occasionally resorted to in con- nexion with certain early titles. He does not, however, mention one curious survival—the position held by the Governor as Intendant of Crown Lands.