25 APRIL 1914, Page 11


The Beautiful Rio de Janeiro. By Alured Gray Bell. (William Heinemann. 42s. net.)—Of all the land-falls that

are the lot of the globe-trotter, none can be more memorable than the entrance to Rio. The present writer had the good fortune to see that stately scene for the first time at sunset, and it lingers in his memory, along with the view of Kinchinjunga from Darjeeling and the track to Milford Sound in New Zealand, as the finest among countless fine views. Mr. Bell has assuredly chosen the right epithet in his title : Sydney and Suva, Hong Kong and Victoria, beautiful as they are, cannot compare with the bay that is guarded by the Corcovado and the Sugar Loaf. Mr. Bell's book was written at the instance of the Brazilian Govern- ment to tempt English tourists to visit "the magnificent metropolis of Brazil." It should serve its purpose; yet, charming as the coloured illustrations are, and enthusiastic as the author shows himself, neither of them can give an adequate notion of the gorgeousness of the landscape.