25 APRIL 1914, Page 12


A New Variorum Edition of Shakespeare : Cymbeline. Edited by Horace Howard Furness. (J. B. Lippincott Company. 18s.)—A melancholy interest attaches to this volume of Dr. Furness's well-known and desirable edition of Shakespeare, as it is the last instalment of the work which he completed before his lamented death in August, 1912. He had not, indeed, written the usual notes on the stage history and bibliography of the play, although he had finished his commentary and preface. His son, who is carrying on this great edition to its completion, felt it desirable to leave the book just as it came from his father's hands :—

" The unfinished window in Aladdin's tower

Unfinished must remain!"

We sympathise with his sentiment, but rather regret his decision : perhaps he may supply the defect in an appendix to a later volume, as this is so useful a work—indispensable, indeed, to the Shakespeare student—that any omission from its completeness is to be deplored.