25 APRIL 1931, Page 30

"Spectator" Competitions

In our issue_of April. 11 th we began a new series of weekly competitions. , These competitions will be set alternately by two competition editors, who will endeavour to cover a wide field of topical and literary subjects.


Entries must be typed or very clearly written on one side of the paper only. The name and address, or pseudonym, of the competitor must be on each entry and not on a separate sheet.

When a word limit is set words must be counted and the number given.

No entries can be returned.

Prizes may be divided at the discretion of the judge, or withhold if no entry reaches the required standard.

The judge reserves the right to print or quote from any entry. The judge's decision is final, and no correspondence can be entered into on the subject of the award. Entries must be addressed to.:—The Editor, The Spectator, 99 Gower Street, London, W.C. 1, and be marked on the envelope Competition No. (—).

The result of Competition No. 1 will appear in our next issue.

Competition No. 2 (Set by " SCADAVAY.") " It is to be feared," said the Times of April 13th, " that the sale-room is the only place where Johnson's Dictionary receives much honour to-day." This unde- served neglect is doubtless due largely to the fact that the work in question, having been compiled in the eighteenth century and never revised since, is out of touch with modern idiom. We are prompted to • offer a prize of three guineas for the best suggestions as to how Dr. Johnson would have defined in his .Dictionary four of the following words, supposing him to have been familiar with their modern usage : (no single definition should exceed one hundred words in length) :— Bye-pass—personality—night-club—stunt- cocktail--sensation--crusade—psychoanalyst

Entries must be received not later than Monday, April 27th. The result of this competition will appear in our issue of May 9th.

Competition No. 3 (Set by "Duor.i.") A prize of £3 3s. is offered for a Little Essay on Motoring, in not less than one hundred and fifty or more than two hundred and fifty English words of one syllable.

Entries must be received not later than Monday, May 4th. The result of this competition will appear in our issue of May 16th.