25 AUGUST 1860, Page 20


"Lectures on the History of the Fine and Ornamental Arta," by Wm. B. Scott, head master of the Government School of Design at Newcastle, are announced as forthcoming by Messrs. Longman and Co.

"The Life and Letters of John Angell James, including an unfinished Autobiography," edited by R. W. Dale4f.A., are preparing for publi- cation by Messrs. Nisbet and Co.

Messrs. Groombridge and Son have in the press a "Natural History of the Fishes of the British Islands," by Jonathan Crouch, F.L.S., "New and Rare Ferns," by E. J. Lowe, F.R.A.S., and "Odd Journeys In and Out of London," by Mr. John Hollingshead,consisting mostly of reprints from Household Words and All the Year Bound.

Mr. Bentley will publish, about the end of the month, the new volume of Lord Dundonald's "Autobiography," retarded in its appearance for some time by the illness of the author.

"The Archer and the Steppe ; or the Empires of Scythia : a History of Russia and Tartary from the Earliest Ages to the Fall of the Mogul Power in Europe, in the Middle of the Sixteenth Centurf," is announced as forthcoming by Mr. James Blackwood.

Mr. H. Lea is preparing for publication" The Favourite Scholar and other Tales," a series of sketches of modern life, the joint production of Mary Hewitt and Mrs. S. C. Hall.

A "Crest-Book of the Families of Great Britain and Ireland," in two volumes, compiled by James Fairbairti, and revised by Laurence Butlers, is announced by Mr. T. C. Jack, Edinburgh.

Some interest is excited by a book which is on the eve of publication from the house of Triibner and Co., and which is likely to excite still more interest after its appearance. The title-page is in the good, old, full, and explicit fashion of the De Foes. "Captain Brand of the Centi- pede, a Pirate of Eminence in the West Indies; his Loves arid Exploits, together with some Account of the Singular Manner by which he De- parted this Life." The writer, Lieutenant H. A. Wise, of the United States Navy, has already attained note under the pseudonym of "Harry Gringo," as. author of "Los Cringes" and "Tales for the Marines." Amongst those few who have seen the book, and they are of a judgment which gives them right to speak, "Captain Brand" is said to be abetter novel of the nautical class than the reading world has bad for many a year.

Messrs. Ticknor and Fields, Boston, U.S., have in the press a new work by Ralph Waldo Emerson ; a new volume of Poems, by Oliver Wendell Holmes, author Of "The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table ;" and

"Fireside Travels," by James Russell 'Lowell, author a " Biglow Papers."

The Paris Figaro states that the "Life of Julius Csasar," on which the Emperor of the French is now engaged, will be published in January next, His Majesty has just sent M. Emile Desjardins, and M. Jacobs, the learned antiquarian writer in the Revue des Deux Afondee, to Rome, to search for new materials in the Vatican library.

Two new renderings of Horace have appeared simultaneously at Paris. The first, in one volume, is by Jules Janin, the celebrated dramatic and musical critic ; the second, in four volumes, with abundance of notes, and explications, by Hipp. Cournol.

The first two volumes of " Memoires du Due de Luyrtes stir La Cour de Louis XV.," edited by M. L. Dussieux, E. Smile, and the present Duke de Luynes, have been published by Messrs. Michel Levy, freres, Paris. The two volumes extend over the period from 1735 to 1738.

Messrs. Firmin Didot and Co., have brought out a new edition of the "Manuel du Libraire et de L'Amateur de Livres," edited by the learned M. Ch. Brunet.

M. Dentu, Paris, has just published "La France en Syrie," by Louis de Baudicour ; " L'Annexion des Deux Siciles," by J. Ferrari ; Nou- velle Phase de la Question &Orient," by P. de Tehihatchev; and "La Rupture de L'Alliance Anglaise eat-elle Possible ? " by M. Dourg.

An interesting contribution to the history of Gustavus Adolphus, of Sweden, has been published by H. 0, Faith, at the Haggle under the title " LeAres de Gustave Adolphe, roi de Suede, addreLees a son General Dodo von In and Kniphausen, en 1630, 1631, et 1632," Baron von Reumont, formerly Prussian envoy at Florence, has pub- lished, through Brockhaus, Leipzig, an historical work in two volumes, called "Die Grafinn Albany," containing some curious and hitherto un- published particulars.

Dr. Heinrich Barth, the African traveller, has published in the " Geo- graphische Mittheilungen" of Petermann, Gotha, an account of his re- cent exploration of Minor Asia, under the title " Reise in Kleinasien, in 1848."

"Eine Friihlingsfahrt nach Edinburg," (A Journey in the Spring to Edinburgh,) by Dr. Karl Elze, has appeared at Dessau.

The well-known Countess Ida Hahn-Hahn, has brought-out, at Leip- zig, a new two-volume novel, called "Maria Regina ; eine Erzahlung aus der Gegenwart," (Queen Mary ; a Tale of the Present Time.) The last "Leipziger Messeatolog," which has just appeared, states that during the first six months of the present year there have been pub- lished in Germany 3860 new books. Of these 3210 were first editions, 278 second editions, 118 third, and 254 fourth editions and upwards. .

Amongst the literary announcements from Florence is the third number of the " Annuario Agrario," (Agricultural Annual) for 1860, "decorated with lithographic tables and wood-cuts, and enriched by views of various kinds, useful for the national pursuit of agriculture and' for the formation of estimates." It is compiled by Professor France,sco Carega, Conte Cavalier° Professor Guglielmo de' Cambray Digny, Pro- fessor Pietro Cuppari, Doctor Gustavo Dalgas, and Cavaliere Luigi dei Marchesi Ridolfo, members of the Reale Accademia del Georgofili.

From Turin welave the announcement ef the " Calendario Generale del Regno," (General Calendar of the Kingdom) for 1860; with appen- dices of historical notices on the last ten years, compiled under the Min- istry of the Interior. Both are sold at very reasonable prices.