25 AUGUST 1894, Page 24

Essays, Addresses, and Lyrical Translations. By the late Thomas Campbell

Finlayson, D.D. With a Biographical Sketch by I. S. Wilkins, LL.D. (Macmillan.)—T. C. Finlayson was born in Glasgow, and after being educated at the High School and the University of that city, had it in his mind to become a minister in the United Presbyterian body. Scruples of conscience, which forbade an unqualified adherence to the Westminster Confession, hindered the fulfilment of this intention. He considered other courses, the Anglican ministry among them ; but finally took charge of a Congregational Church at Cambridge. This was in 1869; in 1865 he commenced the pastorate at Manchester, which terminated only with his death in 1893. Professor Wilkins sketches his life and work with affectionate appreciation ; no criticism is called for, but we may remark in passing, that, as a matter of fact, what- ever may be the ease in this or that congregation, the English Church gives more practical freedom than any other community in Christendom. A trust-deed is amuch more cogent instrument of bondage than the Articles and the Liturgy. The papers here republished from various periodicals will be found to repay perusal.