25 AUGUST 1900, Page 25

MISCELLANEOUS.—Pedigres Work, by W. P. W. Phillimore, M.A. (Phillimore and

Co., Is. net), is " a handbook for the genealogist," putting in a briefer and simpler form some of the hints and in- structions given in the author's "How to Write the History of a Family."—The Library Association Year-Book, 1900. Edited by the Hon. Secretary. (11. Marshall and Son. Is. net.)—The Building News and Engineering Journal, January-June, 1900. (Building News Office.)—Of holiday books we have to mention :—The Health Resorts of Europe, by Thomas Linn, M.D. (H. Kimpton), its eighth annual issue ; A Pictorial and Descriptive Guide to Lynton, Lynmouth, and North-East Devon (Ward, Lock, and Co., Is.) ; and from the same publishers, Pictorial and Descriptive Guide to Oban, Fort William, the Western Highlands (16.)—The Complete Prose Works of R. W. Emerson. (Same publishers.)