25 AUGUST 1917, Page 11


[To THE Dome or ens "Sezeraut.".1 S's,—Can democracy diseipliue itself? if not, autocracy will be triumphant. The nation through its Government most run the war, and no one section of our community must be allowed to negotiate during the war. M. Kerensky wisely said last week that if Russia is not careful, and unless discipline is restored, the result will be that the Russian nation will have changed the Tsar for the Kaiser. Our Government will negotiate at the proper time, which will he when Germany has given up the parts of Belgium and France which she has stolen and ravaged. We cannot negotiate wills a Germany which considers itself triumphant. The military power of democracy must prove superior to the military power of autocracy if the world is to be fit to live in, because every German only thinks in terms of military power. Germany wishes to prove to its people that an nittocraey will be always triumphant over democracy when it comes to a question of war. Will democracy disprove it? Only it ire submit to disciptine.—I am, Sir, de., E. 1,. OLIVER. The Waterhouse, Rollington, illarclestie14.