25 AUGUST 1917, Page 2

The Premier on Thareday - week gave the House of Commons

some interesting figures with regard to our food supplies and our shipping losses. We had very considerably improved" our position in respect of food. The stocks of wheat were now 8,500,600 quarters--two millions more than in August last. The stooks of eater and barley were also larger. By eating and wasting lets, and lay using coarser flour, we had saved in July the equivedent of a seventh of the total consumption of wheat. We had' tilled' a million acres more that were tilted hest year, though the cultivated area last winter showed a reduction of.from 200,000 to 300,000 acres. We a ere thus adding three or four million tons of corn and potatoes to our food suppliers provided that the harvest was as good as it promised to be. Much more might be done, and should be done, next year. The need for economy in food remained urgent. Subject to that, t he Government were convinced that we could not be starved out.