25 AUGUST 1939, Page 23


Sur,—On March loth you published a letter from a Mr. L. E. Kastner, in which he states : " It is hardly necessary to recall that all democratic countries in Europe have conscription, and that Australia and New Zealand, both usually governed by Labour Parties, have adopted the principle and practice of compulsion."

Australia has never had compulsory conscription. During the 1914-18 War it was put to the people by referendum and defeated.

Conscription would be equitable and just IF we enjoyed Socialistic government, when it would be all for each and each for all. Would Mr. Kastner explain to us why any of your z,000,000 unemployed or our 17,000 unemployed should fight to protect a country which could not even find them jobs in peace-time, but would readily find them dangerous jobs in time of war? Is that his idea of being democratic? And is that how democratic idealism works out?—Yours