25 AUGUST 1939, Page 23

PRISON FOR CRITICS SiR,—The letter which appeared under this heading

in last week's issue of The Spectator is typical of the Right-Wing

Pro-Fascist element in the Conservative Party today. It seems that such people would like all Labour, Liberal and Unionist opposition silenced compulsorily in this country, the strong- hold of democracy we are told. No doubt the Prime Minister could then revert to his discredited appeasement policy.

In her letter, Miss Dalrymple says that the East Edinburgh Labour leaders support Mr. Chamberlain wholeheartedly. This, I may say, is a pure fabrication, while as regards service in A.R.P., this is a public duty, and there are hundreds of Labour councillors serving in local A.R.P. committees all over the country.

Real national unity will only come when the statesmen, who have been proved to have been right at every turn, are once again in the British Cabinet. Mr. Eden and Mr. Churchill are easily the most outstanding politicians today.—Yours

faithfully, ROBERT CRIGHTON. 35 Darnell Road, Trinity, Edinburgh.

At the P.M. I often rail.

P'raps that's made his policy fail.

But she's made things so simple, Has Alice M. Dalrymple, That I committed me to jail.


46 Burlington Crescent, Goole, Yorkshire.