25 DECEMBER 1830, Page 15


RUSSIA.—PoLowos, the editor of the Moscow Telegraph, has just completed his " History of Russia," which is to extend to twelve octavo volumes. This writer has successfully exposed the numerous errors in the well-known work of KAIZAMSIN on the same subject.

Aserratrir les AT FAL ens:use—In some recent excavations made at this place, a number of important antiquities have been discovered ; and, among others, the bust of a female, of exquisite workmanship, with the peculiarity of having ornaments on the neck, bracelets, and ear- rings, in the form of a bunch of grapes. Au ancient theatre and a ro- tunda were also discovered.

SPANISH ARCIIITECTLIRE.—DOR JUAN ALFONZO BERMUDEZ, the well- known Spanish antiquarian, who has been for several years engaged in writing a history of Spanish architecture, has at length produced his first part, which was recently published at Madrid. It is a splendid work, and will be completed in feu'. parts. The author has been pre- sented, by the King, with five thousand dollars' towards covering the -expenses of the work, which is truly of a national kind.

PERIODICAL LITERATURE IN SWITZERLAND.—Four-and-twentyperiodi- cal journals are at present published in Switzerland, weekly ; part of which are political, and part devoted to the furtherance of science. Of these, nine are published by the Catholics' and fifteen by the Protes- tants. In 1820, there were but seven journals published in the whole of this country.

DANISH LITERATURE.—Professor 31iieenit, of Copenhagen, has lately published an interesting work under the title of The Danish Pantheon, containing memoirs of the most celebrated characters of Danish history, and illustrated with portraits. He is also the author of an excellent History of Danish Literature; and is the editor of an historical work, entitled Mnemosyne, also illustrated with portraits, which appears in -numbers, and the execution of which does honour to the Danish press.

Banssees.—On the spot where stood the house of the obnoxious Minister, FELIX VAN MAANEN, which was burnt to the ground by the infuriated populace, a monument has been erected, bearing the laconic inscription, "Felix Infelix." These are extraordinary times; and among the signs of the times, not the least extraordinary is this burst of irony from a Flamand!

The Dumb Girl of Portici, the performance of which was for some time interdicted at Brussels, has been given to overflowing houses. Several parts of this opera are thought to be analogous to the public feeling ; so that, as a Flemish journal expresses it, the Dumb Girl has been making a furious uproar.

THE Empenon Ntcuor.As AND TIEE %now Hunnoenr.—The Emperor NICHOLAS has lately made a present to the celebrated traveller, Hum- nor.er, of a magnificent vase. It was hewn from a block of Siberian marble, of nearly twenty cubic feet in size, is in the ancient style, and richly ornamented. *The name of the species of quartz of which it is formed, and which is peculiar to Siberia, is aventurin. In colour -and general appearance, it bears It resemblance to the onyx, but with that pe- Millar interchange of hue found in the opal. it is the admiration of all who have-Oen it.

We learn from a German paper, of the present •month, that the Baron ihnsuota9r• is about to proceed on another voyage to America, vithla view to further the objects of science. -.The well-known German physician, MATTILZEI, in the' courseof last summer obtained the pr;se awarded by the Academy of Berlin for the best essay on the cause and effects of the yellow fever. His reputation is not confined to Germany alone, for he was recently honoured with a gold medal sent him by the King of Sardinia.