25 DECEMBER 1841, Page 7


Arrived—At Gravesend, Dec. 22.1, Courier, Scott, from the Cape. At Liverpool, 21st, Herculean. Grindale; from Bombay. At St. Helena, previous to 3d Nov., Gra- titude. Hervey ; Mary Ridley. Shearer; Lena, Ford; and Navarino, Warming, from Bengal ; Appoline, Deane, from China; Hannah, Bayley. from Mauritius; Sons of Commerce, Mainland. bon, Madras ; Black Nymph. Hall, from Sing.tpore; and Osceola, West, from Bombay. At the Cape, previous to 18th Oct., Margaret. Scar- borough ; City of Loudon, Mania; and Auouyma, Vaux, from London ; and St. George, Williams, front Bristol.

Sailed— From Gravesend, Dec. 224, Helena, Drenniug, from Bombay. From Liverpool, 1811s, Assam. M'Alpin, for Bengal; Caledonia, Cornwall. for Bombay; and John Christian, Withyeombe, for China; and 223, Harriet Scott, Beynon, for Bombay.