25 DECEMBER 1852, Page 18


On the 16th December, in Gloucester Square, the Wife of A. Mackinnon, Esq., M.P.., of a son.

On the 16th, at Kinnaird Castle, N.B., the Lady Catherine Carnegie, of a daughter. On the 16th, at Carton, Maynooth, the Marchioness of Kildare, of a son. On the 16th, at Hindlip House, Worcestershire, the Countess Henri di San Dami- an°, of a son.

On the 17th, at the Vicarage, Ash, near Sandwich, the Wife of the Rev. George Ridout, of a son.

On the 17th, at Cumoer Vicarage, Becks, the Hon. Mrs. Charles Spencer, of a daughter. On the 17th, at Swindon Rectory, near Cheltenham, the Wife of the Rev. L. R. C. Griffiths, M.A., of a daughter.

On the 21st, the Lady Huntingtower, of a daughter. On the 22d, at Great Malvern, the Wife of Lieutenant-Colonel Forbes, of a son.


On the 18th December, at Bromley, Kent, Joseph Matthew, youngest son of the late Bev. W. H. Howorthy, Rector of Blickling and Erpingham, Norfolk, to Jemi- ma O'Brien, youngest daughter of the late Rev. T. A. Jones, Rector of Vere, Jamaica.

On the 21st, at St. George's, Hanover Square, the Right Hon. Lord Erskine, to Alma, 'widow of Thomas Calderwood Durham, Esq., of Largo and of Polton. On the 21st, at the Church of the Holy Trinity, Brompton, the Rev. Henry Smith Mackarness, Fellow of King's College, Cambridge, B.A., to Matilda Anne, youngest daughter of James Robinson Planche, Esq., F.S.A., of Michael's Grove Lodge, Brompton.

On the 22d, at St. James's Church, Norland, Notting Hill, John, eldest son of the late John Newton, Esq., of Alconbnry House, Huntingdon, to Charlotte, eldest daughter of the late Rev. Samuel Birch, D.D. Prebendary of St. Paul's Cathedra/ and Rector of the united parishes of Mary Woolnoth and St. Mary Woolchurch Ilaw, London.

On the 23d, at Clapham, the Rev. Edward John Selwyn, MA., Head Master of the Blackheath Proprietary School, to Maria Sophia Hughes, eldest surviving daughter of W. Hughes Hughes, Esq., late M.P. for Oxford.


On the 30th July, at Eagleton, Williams's River, New South Wales, Janet, relict of the late Rev. John Snodgrass, D.D., sister of the late General Sir Kenneth Douglas, Bart' and mother of Colonel Kenneth Snodgrass, C.B.; in her 90th year. On the 1st November, of Chagres fever, at Greytown, Mosquito, George Mitford Nutt, fourth officer of B.. M. S. P. Trent, second son of the Rev. Charles Nutt, Curate of Badgworth, Somersetshire ; in his 22d year.

On the 15th, at Nelson, near Hamilton, Canada West, Eardley Norton, formerly of H. M.'s Fifteenth Hussars, second surviving son of the late Sir John David Norton; In his 35th year. On the 5th December, at Porton Vicarage, Wilts, Esther Arkell, for above seventy years the attached and devoted servant of one family; in her 88th year.

On the 11th, at Fringford, Oxfordshire, the Rev. Henry Dawson B.oundell, Rector of Fringford, and Rural Dean.

On the 13th, in Lerwick, Zetland, Mrs. Copland, widow of the late James Copland. Esq., of Lerwick, formerly of the Island of Noss, and mother of Dr. James Copland, F.R.S., Sze., of Old Burlington Street, London ; in her 88th year. On the 16th, at Compton Verney, Warwickshire, Henry Peyto, Lord Willoughby de Broke; in his 80th year. On the 16th, at Barley Rectory, Harts, the Rev. Samuel Lee, D.D., Rector of Bar- ley, Canon in the cathedral church of Bristol, and late Regius Professor of Hebrew in the University of Cambridge. On the 17th, at Escrick Villa, Yorkshire, Jane, relict of Henry, sixth Baron Mid- dleton.

On the 18th, in Walton Villas, Brompton, Peter Bortbwick, Esq.; in his 49th year. On the 19th, in Lansdowne Villas, Cheltenham, Anne, widow of the late Somerset

Davies, Esq., of Croft Castle, and Wigmore Hall, Herefordshire ; in her 92d year. On the 19th, at Goff's Oak, Cheslaunt, Major Samuel Thorp, K.H., late of the

Twenty-seventh Regiment. On the 20th, in Hyde Park Square, Eleanor, relict of the late John Bell, Esq.: in her 934 year.