25 DECEMBER 1852, Page 18


Mr. Burford is again in the field this holyday season, with a panorama of the Bemese Alps. The subjectraay not seem particularly inviting to sight- seers in winter ; nevertheless, its opportunities have been carefully studied, and the result is a very interesting picture—on a scale somewhat smaller than most of Mr. Burford's. The spectator is supposed to stand on the Faulhorn ; whence the eye passes from the peaks of the Jungfrau and its attendant heights to the lakes of Lucerne, Zug, and Thurs. The sun is sinking in the West ; and the play of its light is skilfully varied, from the deep glow of the country more immediately beneath to its pris- matic reflections on snowy peaks and glaciers. The feeling of mountain- scenery is well conveyed.

At the Gallery of Illustration, three new pictures have been added to the Wellington Diorama ; which now portrays the course of the hero from his first military glories to his honoured grave. These views are the lying in state, the funeral-procession in its passage along Trafalgar Square, and the ceremony in St. Paul's. The last especially, if viewed from the proper distance, produces an admirable effect of reality. The coffin disappears slowly from before the koker's eyes ; and the whole is so broadly painted, and so well managed—the organ music and the chant- ing being heard behind the scene—that the visitor to this diorama -may almost say he has witnessed the burial of the Duke of Wellington.