25 DECEMBER 1852, Page 8


Lord Derby tendered the collective resignation of his Cabinet to the Queen, at Osborne, on Friday. The Queen accepted his resignation; and summoned to her aid the Marquis of Lansdowne and the Earl of Aberdeen ; but the Marquis of Lansdowne was confined to his room by an attack of gout, and Lord Aberdeen did not feel authorized to proceed alone : he therefore waited for a special summons. This speedily arrived, and Lord Aberdeen started on Saturday to wait upon her Majesty. He returned from Osborne on Monday. On Tuesday, Lord John Russell drove to Argyll House, and was closeted with Lord Aber- deen from ten till twelve. When Lord John departed, the leading mem- bers of Lord Aberdeen's own party, including the Duke of Newcastle, Sir James Graham, Mr. Sidney Herbert, and Mr. Gladstone, arrived. As soon as this meeting broke up, Lord Aberdeen drove to Lansdowne House, and had an interview with Lord Lansdowne. In the middle of the day, Lord Aberdeen received a special message from the Queen, and returned an answer in the afternoon. On Wednesday, Lord Aberdeen waited on her Majesty at Windsor, to report progress.

Mr. Gladstone has addressed a letter to Mr. Phillimore, chairman of his committee at the Oxford University election, touching "the unwar- rantable statement" by Lord Derby in the House of Lords, that there was a concert or combination between the followers of Sir Robert Peel and other political parties to oust the late Ministry : that statement, Mr. Gladstone emphatically assures his friend, is "a fiction."

A story is going the round of the papers, touching a strange incident at the Carlton Club. Some gentlemen, who had been dining, entered .a room where Mr. Gladstone was sitting; and, with epithets which are not re- ported, they put questions a "those —Peelites," as to whether they meant to stay in the club ? and how they could call themselves Conservative after turning out a Conservative Ministry? To the first question Mr. Glad- stone answered, that they did mean to stay; to the second, that it raised the previous question, whether Lord Derby's was a Conservative Govern- ment. After wishing for a " gallows " outside the club to hang all the Peel- ites—including Lord Mahon, who interposed—the convivial enthusiasts os- tentatiously retired to another room, and sent for a lingerer to leave evil company. A much rougher version found its way into the newspapers ; but the insult was unmannerly enough in the mildest account.

The Duke of Northumberland has conferred the Captain's good-ser- vice pension on Captain Henry Smith, C.B. ; and has nominated Com- modore Charles Talbot a Naval Aide-de-camp to the Queen.

Lord Willoughby de Broke, reputed to be one of the richest fundholders of our aristocracy, died on the 16th, at his seat, Compton Verney, in the county of Warwick, at the age of seventy-nine. He is succeeded by his son, Robert John Barnard, born in 1800. The first Baron received his title for services rendered to Henry the Seventh at Bosworth Field. The peerage was for many years in abeyance, but was recovered in 1694.

The new Chaplain for Pitcairn's Island, the Reverend G. H. Nobbs, sailed on the 17th, in La Plata. Before he sailed, he had an interview with Prince Albert at Osborne, and was afterwards presented to the Queen.

Lord Westmoreland arrived at Frankfort on the 20th on his way from Paris to his post at Vienna.

There is a story afloat that the Emperor of Austria will marry the Princess Sidonia of Saxony.

The Prince of Prussia was on the 17th ordered from Coblentz to Berlin, by the King.

It is now said that Louis Napoleon will find a bride in the daughter of Duke Maximilian of Bavaria.

Prince Lucien Murat arrived at Dusseldorf on the 18th, on a visit to the Prince de Salm Dyck. The Grand Duchess Stephanie of Bade; of matchmaking celebrity, was also at Dusseldorf. Her departure for Paris is deferred.

A statue to the King of the Belgians was inaugurated on Sunday last, at Ixelles near Brussels.

M. James Fazy, the leaderj of the Radical party of Geneva, has re- signed his post as Vice-President of the Council of State ; but he con- tinues to sit at the Grand Council.

The Lords of the Admiralty have issued instructions to the Admiralty agents on the West India station, not to permit invalids and distressed seamen from places where the yellow fever is raging to be received on board the homeward-bound mail-packets.

There is no truth in the report that is going the round of the London press that foreigners are not permitted to visit any of her Majesty's dock- yards. Several foreigners are now making a tour of our royal arsenals, and are admitted by Admiralty order into all the departments.—Plymouth According to a return ordered on the 6th instant, the number of volun- teers enrolled for the Militia in England and Wales is about 31,000— a total much less than that fixed by law. In several counties the quota has been obtained ; but in the rest there is a greater or less deficiency— in some cases a very large deficiency. Cheshire should provide 1275— volunteers, 800; Cornwall, 982—volunteers, 346; Derby, 851—volun- teers, 329; Kent, 1618—volunteers, 660; Lancashire, 5628 — volun- teers, 2802; Lincolnshire, 1174—volunteers, 504; Middlesex, 3197— volunteers, 2314; Northumberland, 834 — volunteers, 276; Stafford, 1784—volunteers 1077; Surrey, 1852—volunteers, 1692; Sussex, 945— volunteers, 541; West Riding, 3885—volunteers, 1672. In Wales, the volunteers are more than a thousand deficient of the quota of 2826. The counties that have provided their quotas, or within a few men, are Bed- ford, Berks, Bucks, Cumberland, Dorset, Essex, Gloucester, Hertford, ]Iuntingdon, Leicester, Royal London Regiment, Northampton, Oxford, Rutland, Somerset, and Warwick.

A return has recently been issued by the Board of Trade of the de- clared values of British and Irish produce and manufactures exported from the United Kingdom in the year 1851, specifying the amount to each country and colony. From this document the following list has been compiled, showing the order in which the various communities of the world rank as our customers. Our own possessions, in conjunction with the United States, continue to take nearly one half of the entire total ; and as regards the former, there has again been a considerable in- crease, the amount being 19,517,0391. against 18,628,899/. in 1850. This increase is chiefly noticeable in the case of Canada and the other North American Provinces, but as regards Australia and the West Indies the augmentation is likewise considerable. India shows a slight falling- ME Among the foreign countries to which our exports have declined as compared with 1850, are France and Algeria, Russia, Belgium, Sardinia, Turkey, Syria, Denmark, Hayti, and New Grenada. Buenos Ayres like- wise presents a great decrease which has been only partially counter- balanced by an increase to the Republic of the Uruguay. In the exports to the United States there has been a slight decline; but there was an in- crease of 25 per cent in the preceding year, and it is satisfactory that this should have been nearly maintained. Among the countries most promi- nently on the favourable side are Brazil, China, Peru, Egypt, the foreign West Indies, (Cuba, &c.) Italy, and Spain ; Nicaragua, also, and the other Republics comprised under the head of Central America, again furnish remarkable indications of the rapidity with which commerce is destined to grow in those regions. The returns for 1850 exhibited in their case an increase of 115 per cent, and there is now a further addition of nearly 30 per cent The Republic of Ecuador, also has advanced from 33,289/. to 54,099/. Our aggregate exports to all parts of the world for the years 1849, 1850, and 1851, have been 63,596,0254, 71,367,8851., and 74,448,7221.—Times, City Article.

Result of the Registrar-General's return of mortality in the Metropolis for the week ending on Saturday last.

Ten Weeks Week of 1842-51. of 1852.

Symotic Diseases 2,620 .... 211 Dropsy, Cancer, and other diseases of uncertain or variable scat 478 ..., 42 Tubercular Diseases 1,711 ....


Diseases of the Brain, Spinal Marrow, Nerves, and Senses 1,320 .... 118' Diseases of the Heart and Blood-vessels 386 .... 4$ Diseases of the Lungs, and of the other Organs of Respiration 2,694 .... 161 Diseases of the Stomach, Liver, and other Organs of Digestion 919

Diseases of the Kidneys, Ac 107

Childbirth, diseases of the Uterus, &a 125

Rheumatism, diseases of the Bones, Jointi,&C


Diseases of the Skin, Cellular Tissue, AC


Malformations 28

Premature Birth 232

Atrophy 194

Age 682

Sudden 179

Tiolence,Privation, Cold, and Intemperance 429 —

Total (including unspecified causes) 11,896

Loa Mr. Vincent, the young officer who escaped from the burning of the Ama- zon, and whose conduct on that occasion was the subject of much comment both favourable and the contrary, is one of the recent victims to fever at the Bahamas. At the time of his death he was second officer of the steamer Esk.

Lieutenant-General Lord F. Fitzclarence, Commander-in-chief at Bombay, has presented to the Thirty-sixth Regiment, of which he is Colonel, a very handsome flag-staff for their new colours, set in silver gilt, ornamented with oak-leaves, and with a crystal in front, containing fragments of the old colours of the regiment, set in the form of a union jack, with the fol- lowing inscription beneath—" These relics of the old colours of the Thirty- sixth Regiment, which were borne through and witness of so many glorious actions under the immortal Wellington' are presented by Lieutenant- General Lord F. Fitzclarence, Colonel of the regiment."

In consideration of the brilliant and gallant conduct of No. 844, Sergeant Richard Perry, Twenty-fourth Foot, in securing the colours of the regiment at the battle of Chillianwallah, after both the officers who carried them had been killed and nearly the whole of the two centre companies had been swept down by grape-shot from the enemy's guns, his Grace the Commander-in- chief has been pleased to place this brave non-commissioned officer's name on the list to receive a medal "for meritorious conduct," with an annuity, so soon as a vacancy shall occur and the Right Honourable the Secretary-

at-War, at the instance of the occur; and others Commissioners of Chelsea Hospital, has transmitted a warrant under the Royal sign-manual authorizing the grant of a special pension of 28. 6d. a day to Sergeant Perry, instead of the rate to which he was entitled for service under the ordinary regulations, -viz, is. std. per diem.—Bombay Telegraph and Courier. y words about a small reward for an heroic achievement.]

Accounts of destruction of property and loss of life by floods continue to be received.

The Tyne having overflowed its banks, did a vast deal of mischief in nu- merous localities. The damage sustained by shipping at Shields is reckoned at some thousands of pounds : the fierce current broke the mooring-chains, dashed the vessels together, cast them upon banks, and in some cases carried them out to sea : several persons perished : a man and a boy were drowned in a vessel which was'camed down the river and upset, another boy having been rescued only after seven attempts by the gallant fellows who manned the life-boat ; a boy was lost by the upsetting of a boat in which he was at- tempting to reach his ship ; and a man was drowned by a similar accident. A gentleman has been drowned at night in Lake Windermere while return- ing home, in consequence of the road being under water, so that he missed his way and got into deep water. A man has been found dead in a pool under a railway-arch on the Botley road, near Oxford. He seems to have fallen into the pond at night, probably somewhat in liquor. The Coroner's Jury recommended the railway company to have the water removed forth- with.

Exeter has been flooded in several parts by the sudden swelling of the Exe. A great deal of damage was done, and some persons were in danger ; but no life was lost.

Perth has been flooded. The waters of the Tay rose to an extraordinary height, and viewed from an eminence the "fair City" was seen to be two-thirds surrounded by water. All low-lying parts of the city suffered much; while carcasses of sheep and oxen, with trees and brush-wood, borne :Jong the impetuous stream, showed that the upper part of the country had not escaped ravage.

From Ireland there are great complaints of the prevalence of floods in all parts of the country, putting a stop to agricultural operations, and diffusing a general gloom.

Two men and N boy in the service of Mr. EUiott a grocer in the Edge- ware Road, have been suffocated by the fumes of a charcoal fire, which they had left burning in a newly-built room when they went to bed. In the morning, two were found dead, and the other expired in a short time. There was no chimney in the room ; a stove had been employed to dry and warm it; a month since the people suffered from the fumes, and the stove was removed. A Pan of charcoal was burnt during the day, and last Satur- day night the sufferers omitted to remove it when they retired to rest.

A low-looking fellow, calling himself Webster and by other names, is in custody, and has been examined by the Westminster Magistrate, on charges of fraud. The imposture was a very impudent one. He went dressed as a soldier to several military officers, pretended that he had served in India, but was discharged, and that he wished to go home to Scotland, but was deficient in part of the railway-fare. He succeeded in extracting money by his false tale. Before the Magistrate, he admitted that he had never been a soldier.

Last week Isaac Ruddock, a labourer, aged seventy-three years, went from Farrington, to Ston Easton, to feed some stock for Mr. John Bennet. On returning home, he walked some distance through the wood : the pathway being very dirty, and out of repair, it is supposed his foot caught in one of the roots of the trees that cross the pathway, and that he fell into a pool of water ; where he was found on Tuesday morning, by a mason passing that way to work, quite dead, with his face under water : the water in the place in which he was lying was not more than five inches deep.—Bath Journal.