25 DECEMBER 1858, Page 11



The English Fundsopened steadily on Monday at Saturday's closing quo- tations, and tinting the early part of the day considerable buoyancy was manifested in Consols, which from 961 96b reached 97. On Tuesday a riin Olen of per cent occurred upon 'pressure of sales, owing it was teal/posed to reports-of a Russian and an •Austrian Loan upon the point of being-Set' oil foot., the lowest figure marked was 94; increased•derneed-for money at tile Bank with the prebabilitn of further eiportations of gold-to the Continent tended to create'heavinent. Yesterday ao raliv of per cent, took place and the Marketelosecl with a firm appearance.- 'Today there has been e good deal of speculative basineiM passing. Consols in the morning -were .94 97 with every sign for the time of an like)! 00 in quotations, some rather large sales this afternoon added to unfavourable India and China exchanges have cued edectine again of k per cent.; therein however' very little legiti- mate business' doing. The-New Three per Cents are 97-971, ; Bank Stock, 221 226; Reduced,- 9797k; and-Cettaols, 9696. ,Money on the Stock Ex- change ort Government Securities bainbeen.11 and 2per cent. The Govern- ment Broker bait continned to makcdaily investments of 15,0001. or 20,000l. on account of the Savings Banks. Business in Foreign Stocks during the past week has been altogether nominal, and prices are much about the sante as last quoted. Venezuela Stock is rather worse, the Active being 431-441, and the Deferred 161'17, and the Varinue Turkish Stoeinsand Script are dull at the price ; the Six per Cents, '921 93'; Scrip,- Nee 1, 1 discount; Ditto, Na. 2,I ex, discount. Mexican is better, 20b 20a ; Grenada Active,- 21 22; Victor Emmanuel, 98981; Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cent, 9233; Ditto Three per Cents, 73 74; Ditto Uribareen, 87); 881; -Portuguese, 48 48f ; Spanish, 471 48. The New Milan Loan is a Jegree firmer and some scarcity of scrip was ex- perienced at the special settling on Tuesday and Wednesday ; the latest price is 1. Brazilian (1858), 9,5 951; Russian, 113 114; Chilian Six per uts, 103 105; Spanish Certificates 6taG. Iu the Railway Share Market business has been moderately active, but values have only been affected by the movements of the English market. The quotations of most of the various leading lines show little important alteration upon those of last week. Chester and Holyhead have, however, advanced 1.1 per cent, and London and North-Western, 1 percent; Midland is 1021104 a shade lower ; and Great Western, 551 551, 1 per cent flatter ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 98.1 98i ; Bristol and Exeter, 53t- 94%; London and North-Western, 951 951 ; Chester and Holyhead, 451 46; Caledonian, 43,1 14; London and Brighton, 112 111; South-Eastern and Dover, 22it 221; Great Northern, 201, 26!; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln, 381 39. Tfie French Market has been quiet, without any particular feature occurring ; prices arc steady ; Paris and Lyons, 351 351 ' • Northern of France, 401 401 ; Paris and Strasbourg, 2'71 28 ; Southern of France, 231 231 ; Namur and Liege, 9 91; Sambre and Meuse, 71 8; Luxembourg, 77t.- 8. The Indian market is steady, but business dull; East Indian, 1081 1-091; Great Indian Peninsula, 21f 211.