25 DECEMBER 1858, Page 20


On the 10th September, at Government House, Sydney, Ellen, aged six ; and on the 4th of October, Charles, aged three-children of Sir William Denison, K.C.B.

On the 8th December, at Pembroke, Olivia, wife of Captain Walter . Grimston, Royal Artillery, and daughter of the late Major-General and the Lady Elizabeth Steele.

On the 10th, at her apartments in Holyrood Palace, Julia Johnstone, younger daughter of Colonel Guy Johnstone, and of Mary his wife, daughter of Sir 'William i

Johnson, Port. Superintendent of Indian Affairs n America; in her 89th year.

On the 16th, at Duffield, near Derby, John Balgity, Esq., Q.C., Commissioner of the Birmingham District Court of Bankruptcy, Recorder of Derby, and for more than 20 years Chairman of the Quarter Sessions for the County of Derby ; in his 77th year.

On the 16th, at Egerton Lotge, Melton Mowbray. the Right Hon. Ole Countess of Wilton ; in her Nth year.

On the 17, of diphtheria, Mary Isobel, second daughter of Mr. Zachary Macaulay, of Great College Street, Regent's Park : in her 13th year.

On the 20th, at Brightwl Rectory, the Rev. R. Summer, rector of Brightivell and third son of the Lord Bishop of Winchester ; in his 37th year.

On the 20th, at Clarges Street, Piccadilly, Elizabeth, relict of Christopher Cooke, late of East End House, Alresford, Esq., in the county of Hants ; in her 19th year.

On the 20th, at Trefonran, near Cardigan, Maria Washinton, relict of the late Rear-Admiral Webley Parry, C.11., G.C.SS.. of Noyadd, Trefawr, in thes ante county ; in her 82d year. On the 81st, after a painful illness of nearly three years' duration, Henry Witham, Esq., of Gower Street, Bedford Square, and of Lincoln's Inn, barrister-at-law, JS., for the county of Middlesex, and for 16 years Deputy Assistant-Judge of the Clerk- unwell and Westminster Court of Quarter Sessions. R.I.P.

At Poltimore Park, Devonshire, the Light Hon. George Warwick, Lord Polti- more ; in his 73d year.