25 DECEMBER 1886, Page 23

The Primrose Lady's Letter and Reference Book. By Barbara Halton

(Mrs. Alexander). (Griffith, Ferran, and Co.)—There is nothing that we can see in this volume that makes it peculiarly suit- able to " Dames " of the Primrose League ; save only that a couple of pages are devoted to a very brief account of the League, and give a partial list of the Grand Council. But ladies of all politics, or no politics (and these, it may be presumed, form the majority), will find the utility of "postal information," and blank pages for reeording "letters received," and "letters sent," and "books read" (a very excellent aid to self-examination), and "books lent" (a most ad. mirable institution, if one could only keep it up). The volume is some-

what large, but the less easily mislaid.—With this may be men- tioned, as coming from the same publishers, The Court Diary and Engagement Book, with columns for cash accounts, engagements, Fze., and a number of useful blank pages at the end.