25 DECEMBER 1915, Page 25

The Quest and Occupation of Tahiti and Cathay and the

Way Thither. (The Hakluyt Society.)—The first of these new publi- cations of the Hakluyt Society is a continuation of Mr. Glanvill. Corney's translation of the history of the quest and occupation of Tahiti by emissaries of Spain in 1772--1776 as told in despatches and other contemporary documents. Vol. I. dealt with the first -voyage of the Aguila,' which carried an exploring party commanded by Don Domingo de Boenechea. Vol. II. starts with the Aguila's ' second voyage to Tahiti, and deals more 'particularly with the Spaniards' occupation of the island. Among other instructions to officers of the exploring party was a long list of questions, from which we may quote the following as showing the kind of information considered of value by the authorities :- " To find out whether the Demon they call tupapau reveals himself to them often ; and whether, as is alleged, his apparitions are most frequent during the times when the moon is on the wane, and whether ho does them any injury. Make sure as to the truth or otherwise of the alleged apparition of the Devil in the form of a shark in the sea, and whether he helps them, as is said, to regain the shore when their canoes founder.

Aro there any giants or pigmies, and how tall are they ? What names do they give the stars — collectively and indi- vidually ? "

Cathay and the Way Thither is Vol. III. of the "Mediaeval Notices of China," translated and edited by Sir Henry Yule.