25 DECEMBER 1936, Page 21


[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Si/1,—" i. Cheering 'erciivd' all struggling for a view " of a chased rabbit being torn by Sealyhams: "A small ring formed round a heap of leaves" and "as one man a dozen boys fall thereon. The unfortunate rabbit takes refuge inside someone's shortgiand escapes to liberty by way of the leg hotly- pursued by boys and gathering pack alike." These are not the words of some chronicler, of the brutal pastimes of schoolboys in mediaeval times, but those of the official reporter of the hunts of a certain " scratch " pack of Sealyhams which met at Stowe School as recorded in Horse and Hound of December 11th in the year of our Lord one thousand, nine hundred and thirty-six.—Yours, Ake., J. C. SHARP, Secretary. League for the Prohibition of Cruel Sports, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W. 1.