25 DECEMBER 1959, Page 11

SIR—In an article by Simon Hodgson in the Spectator. December

4. concerning the John Moores Liverpool Exhibition, he suggested that the artists who won prizes were put in a humiliating position in having to go to Liverpool to collect their cheques from John Moores 'cap in hand.'

As one of the artists, may I say that I felt no humiliation on receiving my prize of £500. We were invited with our wives to the opening of thc exhibi- tion to meet Mr. Moores so that he could congratulate us personally and that we might meet his friends in Liverpool who. are interested in the arts.

Having accepted his kind invitation I, with others, was met at Euston Station by Mr. Moores's personal representative who had already made all travelling arrangements so that we could move from London to The Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool, in the fastest and smoothest manner.

At the Gallery we were received by our host and thanked for coming. All arrangements for comfort- able accommodation at the Adelphi Hotel had been made for us and at a modest supper party we met people of Liverpool interested in the arts. I was particularly pleased Li) have the opportunity of meet- ing several distinguished Liverpool citizens.

We were presented at the supper party with our cheques by Mr. John Moores and congratulated by the French Ambassador.

If this is 'indecent' then I fail to understand the meaning of the word.—Yours faithfully,


• 12 Editha Mansions, Edith Grove, SW 10