25 FEBRUARY 1837, Page 10


On the 19th inst., at Brighton, the Lady of Major GRAMM, of a daughter. Ott the 20th inst., at Exmouth, Devonshire, the Hon. Mrs. OSBORNE, or a daughter.

On the 19th inst., at The Ilendre, Mottruouthshire„ the Lady of JOHN E. W. Rolm, Esq.. of a son and heir. On the 8th Sept., at Chittagong, the Lady of ADAM S. ATENAND, Esq., of the Bengtg

Civil Service, oh a daughter.

On the 19th lust., the Lady of HENRY FoLav, Esq., of Tetworth Hall, in the count,

of Huntingdon. of a daughter. Ott the 18th inst., at Wilton Crescent. Mrs. M AVOW SHORT, of a daughter. On the 14th inst., the Lady of the Rev. HENRY WILLIAM WILBERFORCE, of a

daughter. On the 91st inst.. at Brighton, the Lady of Sir HAMILTON SEYMOUR, IliS DIRICSty's Envoy in Belgium, of a daughter. MA RR I AGES.

On the 7th inst., G. E. KNIOHT, Esq., to the COlInteSS NELEON.

On the 16th inst., at Walcot Church, Bath. Roatax, eldest sou of Robert Radclyre, Esq.. of Foxtlenton Hall, Lancashire, anti Weymouth, Dorset. to AGNES, secord

daughter of the late Rev. Beaty sin, or Burton. Westmoreland.

On the 16th inst., at Clifton. the Rev. HENttv H. HAvas, of Bath, to Laura CATHERINE, eldest daughter of the late Lient..Col. Lawrence, of Clifton. DEATHS.


On the 20th inst., at Southampton, the Bishop of SALISBURY, in his End y On the 9th inst., at Stockholm, the Countess FRANCES LOUISA Wsent.mxtevis, daughter of the late Baron Reltausen. many years Envoy Extraordinary and :ouster Plenipotentiary of the King of Sweden at this Court. On the 15th inst., at Erskine House, lientrewshire, Lieut..Gen. the Ilon. SruAnT, late of the Grenadier Guards.

On the 14th inst.. at Goodrich Court, Herefordshire. the house of his father, Sir Samuel R. Meyrick. K.H., LLEWELLYN MEYRICK, Esq., LL. II. anti F.S.A, oue of the Equerries of his Royal Highness the Doke of Sasses, in his 338 year.

On the 17th inst.. at his residence, Upper Deal, Sir Jolts IlAavev, 1{..C.B., Admiral of the Blue, in his 64th year. On the 12th inst., Colonel ROBERT Parrror.a, late of the 51st Regiment.

On the 17th inst., in his 238 year, having survive(' his father only three weeks, WILLIAM. youngest son of the late Rev. 'Middleton Onslow, Rector of Bradford Pete. rell. in the county of Dorset.

At The Hay, South Wales, in his 87th year. Capt. RICHARD NORMAN. On the lith inst.. at Edinburgh, in bet 108th year, Mrs. ANN BuTi.Ett.