25 FEBRUARY 1837, Page 9


Dr. Burgess, Bishop of Salisbury, died on Sunday, at Southampton. It is reported, we hope truly, that Dr. Hampden, the persecuted of Oxford, is to be his successor.

Mr. Coltman is to be the new Judge. The Tories are sneerieg at this appointment, and ask who Coltman is? He certainly is not a very distinguished advocate ; but he may be a very sound lawyer never- theless. It is not always the most successful barrister who makes the best judge—teste Lord Abinger, who is driving business from the Court of Exchequer till it is likely to become as stupid as in the days of Chief Baron Alexander. Mr. Colttnan, we believe, is one of Lord Brougham's men.

General Sir James Hay, Colonel of the Second Regiment of Dra- goon Guards, died on Saturday week, at Edinburgh. Now we shall see whether a prime Tory will not get the vacant regiment.

Lady Barrington, sister of Lord Mulgrave, is appointed Bed- chamber-woman, or something of that soot, to the Queen. Her' Lady. ship, we presume, takes after her late father in politics, and is a Tory. Her Majesty, if she can help it, will not allow a Whig cat to mew about the palace. She cannot entirely exclude Whig puppies on drawing-room days.

It is believed in well-informed circles that Mr. Stewart Mackenzie, the Member for Ross shire, is to be appointed to the Government of Ceylon, in the room of Sir R. Wilmot Horton, who is coming home. —Courier.