25 FEBRUARY 1843, Page 20


WAR.OFFICE, Feb. 24.-7th Reg. Drag. Guards-Lieut, J. R. Heaton to be Capt. by purchase, vice Thompson, who retires ; Lieut. R. Bambrick, from the 11th Light Drags. to be Capt. without purchase; Carnet and Adj. A. Knight to have the rank of Lieut. ; Cornet A. D. Wigsell to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Heaton ; C. Arkw-right, Gent. to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Wigsell. 6th Reg. Drags.-Capt. F. S. Jones, from half-pay of the reg. to be Capt. vice Ingram, dec. ; Capt. M. Archdall, from the 67th Foot, to be Capt. by purchase, vice Jones, alto retires. 9th Reg. Light Drags.- Lieut. J. N. Macartuey to be Capt. without purchase. vice French, dec. ; Cornet W. P. Auderton to be Lieut. vice Macartuey ; Ensign L. J. French, from the 31st Foot, to be Cornet, vice Auderton. 1 ith Reg. Light Drags.-Gar. Ser..Major J. Wightman, from the Cavalry Depilt at Maidstone, to -be Cornet, without purchase. 5th Reg. Foot- Gent. Cadet. A. W. Palmer from the Royal Military College, to be Second Lieut. with- out purchase; Second Lieut. It. Mackay to be Adj. vice Johnson, promoted. 13th Foot-Ensign J. Head to be Lieut. without purchase. vice Prem. dec. 17th Foot- Major J. Gordon, from the 35th Foot. to be Major. vice Deedes, who exchanges. 18th Foot-Gent. Cadet the Hon. F. W. H. Pane, from the Royal Military College, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Humphreys. dec. 22.1 Foot-Quartermaseer W. Young, the 41st Font. to be Quartermaster, vice. Harker, who exchanges. 28th Foot- Lieut. F. B. Russell to be Capt. without purchase, vice Sawbridge dec.; Ensign S. Rawson to be Lieu'. vice Russell ; Lieut. H. W. Denote, from the 2d West India Reg. to be Lieut. vice Rawson. whose promotion, on the 14th Oct. 1842. has been cancelled. 31st Foot-Gent. Cadet J. Breuchley, from the Royal Military College, to be Eusign. with- out purchase, ViCD•French, 'appointed to the 9th Light Drags. 35th Foot-Major George Deedes, from the 17th Foot, to be Major, vice Gordon. who exchanger. 39th Foot-Gentleman Cadet Melville Browne. from the Royal Military Col- lege, In be Ensign, without purchase, vice Stuart, promoted in the Stith Foot. 41st Foot-Quartermaster R. Harker, from the 22d Foot, to be Quartermaster, vice Young, who exchanges. 45th Foot-Staff Burg. of the Second Class. D. Menzies, to be Surg. vice J. Ferguson, who retires upon half-pay. 50th Foot-A. E. Frere, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Kelly, deceased. 57th Foot-Lieut. F. H. Jack- son, to be Capt. by purchase, rice Morphett, who retires. 67th Foot-Capt. AL Archdall, from half-pay unattached, to be Capt. vice S. Y. Y. Martin, who exchanges Lieut. J. E. M. Prower to be Capt. by purchase, vice Archdall, appointed to the 6th

Drags.; "

• Ensien II. Dawson to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Prower; D. S. Miller. Gent. to be insign,by purchase, vice Dawson. 86th F,,ot-To be Copts. without purchase- Lieut. H. Fenwick, vice Bennett, deceased; Lieut. G. Keane, vice Phibbs, deceased ; Lieut. H. T. Bowen, vice Dickenson, deceased-To be Lieuts. without purchase- Ensign E. R. Stuart, from the 139th Foot, vice Feuwick ; Ensign W. H. Weaver. vice Keane ; Ensign D. Morrow, vice Hawn -To be Ensigns, without purchase-Gent. Cadet M. W. de is Peer Beresford, from the Royal Military College, vice Weaver; E. B. Weaver, Gent, vice Morrow, 1st West India Regt.-F. N. Machardy. Gent. to be Assist....Surg. vice Murphy, ap- pointed to the 33.1 Foot.

Staff.-Lieut. C. P. Hamilton. from half pay 16th Foot, to be Adjt. of a Recruiting District. vice Despard, promoted. Hospital Staff.-Assist.-Staff-Surg. A. T. Jackson, to be Staff Surg. of the Second Class, vice Menzies, appointed the 45th Foot. G. W. S. Brown, Geut. to be Assiut.- Stag. to the Forces, vice Jackson, promoted on the Staff. Brevet.- Capt. F. S. Jones. or the 6th Drags. to be Major iu the Army.

OFFICE OP ORDNANCE.-Royal Regt. of Artillery-Sec.-Capt. C. V. Cockburn, tote Ad,t. vice Lethbridge, promoted. See.-Capt. G. Sandhani, to be Adjt. vice Basset, who resigns the Adjutancy.