25 FEBRUARY 1882, Page 3

The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council have reversed - Lord

Penzance's decree of June 5th, 1880,in Mr. Mackonochie's ease, so far as he refused to punish Mr. Mackonochie by depri- vation or otherwise for the acts complained of—and which Lord Penzance held to be proved—on the ground that the promoter, Mr. Martin, had not availed himself of the decree he had already obtained under the Public Worship Act, but had com- menced a new suit under the Church Discipline Act. The Judicial Committee thought this no sufficient reason for refus- ing to punish Mr. Mackonochie, and remitted the case again to the Court below, directing it to consider what penalty it is proper to inflict on Mr. Mackonochie, and over-ruling- Lord Penzance's reasons for not inflicting any penalty. Mr. Mack- onochie, who never takes the trouble to appear in these cases, is nothing but a shuttlecock for the various Courts of law, who

toss the responsibility of punishing him from one to another, always, if they can, avoiding it for themselves, knowing, as they do, that they have burned their fingers with him so often.