25 FEBRUARY 1905, Page 14


[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] Siu,—Is not Canon Beeching's misquotation of the Twenty- second Article liable to the imputation of being addressed ad captandum vulgus ? Where such widely spread ignorance prevails, it is hardly to be expected that even the majority of the readers of the Spectator are sufficiently familiar with the exact wording of Prayer-book formularies which occur out- side the ordinary services. The scope of the Article in question is not " invocation of Saints," but " the Romish doctrine concerning" both invocation and other doctrines and practices. It might be " merely malicious to ask " whether the learned Canon's misquotation was intentional, but it is to be hoped that it was a mere slip of the pen. In any case, the English Church Union could hardly subscribe ex anion to an interpretation containing an important suppressio veri.—I am, Sir, &c., T. A. HYDE. 46 Randolph Gardens, N.W.