25 FEBRUARY 1928, Page 17

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] - __SIR,—Nobody is more

averse to pigeon shooting thanT_ni,yself, but I must protest against the exaggerations of Sir. W. Reach

To say that the pigeon ground is the focal centre of Monte Carlo is absolutely untrue, as any unbiassed lover- of, the

place will you. It is only. by going to the eastern end of the terrace and deliberately staring at the ground that a view of the shooting may be obtained. The children's .playground is at the west end of the terrace, and those who go there are either watching the ships in the harbour or playing on the swings. The clubhouse hides the grounds :..ef, the pigeon shooters from all- but those- morbid persons who go to the terraces expressly to watch the murdered birds.

I •venture -to reply to your article in view of the fact that Tour,-writer „seems to have -no objeetion -to. pigeon - shooting butt, rather welcomes it as an excuse to write a sensational article _which is out of place in _so fine a paper as yours. The fact that pigeons. are murdered, not that they are murdered in semi-public, is what really matters.— I am, 'Sir; -dm% - . PIIn.w 40anex. - '10 Pond Place, Chelsea, S.Ws