25 FEBRUARY 1949, Page 14

A Multiplying Mammal It is pleasant to read that the

badger, which has been, and is, most ignorantly abused, is whitewashed by a great agricultural biologist. Most of the sins attributed to it have proved to be committed by foxes, which in some cases have occupied badger setts. However, in spite of libels and slanders, the badger, as we know from other sources, has been increasing steadily for a good many years. A most interesting map, of its distribution appears in an admirable monograph, by Mr. Neal (The Badger. Collins. 12s. 6d.). I have known it from youth in Pembrokeshire, even caught up individuals ; but was astonished last year to hear of the numbers that were to be seen nightly from Dale Fort on Milford harbour. The badger doubtless is omnivorous, but its normal diet is vegetarian and insectivorous, though, as with foxes, an occasional rogue will attack hen-roosts. Is it a virtue or a vice that any badger will kill a young rabbit if oppor- tunity offers ?