25 FEBRUARY 1949, Page 18


Sm,-I trust you will allow me to answer Janus's references to the Cambridge University Nationalist Club, and to its recent speaker, Mrs. Hugo Harper, of Newnham College. Janus declared himself " ready to assume that Mrs. Harper has been to some extent misreported." In point of fact she has been misreported to a very considerable extent in the undergraduate weekly, Varsity, from which presumably Janus drew his material. The account in Varsity was grossly incorrect in parts, and highly selective throughout. It contrasted forcibly with the accurate report given in the Cambridge Daily News of February 15th.

The Nationalist Club, to which Mrs. Harper spoke, is an independent and anti-totalitarian body, primarily concerned with two principles which should be acceptable to all patriotic Britons, whether they are Conserva- tive, Liberal or Labour in their other politics. These are: (1) the maintenance of this country's independence, (2) the retention of British affairs in the hands of people of British stock. The club opposes alien control in any form, whether from within or from without, whether it is subordination to Russia, America or a world government. It rejects both the Mosleyite " Union Movement " (which now advocates a federal union of Europe) and the Red Fascism of Moscow.

Janus will, I think, now agree that it is Sheer nonsense to call a Nationalist policy of this nature Fascist ; and that to do so merely echoes the parrot-cries of those anti-British elements who seek to misrepresent

and to crush us at all cost.—Yours sincerely, COLIN JORDAN,

Secretary, C. U. Nationalist Club; Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge.