25 FEBRUARY 1955, Page 7

A FRIEND who hunts with a pack of stag-hounds in

the West Country reports an unusual incident which happened the other day. One farmer in the district has no use for the hunt and refuses to allow it on his land. It is an old feud, and when hounds de come his way the farmer sends his son on a noisy motor-bicycle to patrol the lanes on his boundary and head the deer. On this occasion the motor-bicycle was out of action. The staunch lad seized a gun, intercepted -the hind on his father's land, shot her dead, and when the hunt came up ordered them off. An interesting, if rather-back-handed, illustration of the character-building potentialities of British field sports. A hare and a hind have now been 'shot' in this column off the noses of their pursuers. I have still to hear of fox-hounds being similarly frustrated.