25 FEBRUARY 1989, Page 25

Another happy Pole

Sir: It was a pleasant surprise to receive several consecutive issues of The Spectator during last weeks but only now, after getting your letter of 12 January, I under- stand how and why this happened. You may not know how big demand is here for scarce genuine British newspapers and magazines, such as The Spectator , with its sharp, witty commentaries. At present the access to objective world news is not a Problem in Poland but what we are lacking is a critical view from outside. Even the articles difficult to comprehend fully by those who have not been to English public schools convey a unique flavour of life on British Islands and I am also enjoying the special humour of The Spectator's car- toons.

Neal Ascherson is certainly right saying that subscriptions to the British Medical Journal and other such periodicals would be valuable to Polish doctors, but this is another story, since one cannot substitute general ideas by specialised scientific pap- ers. I hope you will continue the action launched during the memorable visit of Mrs Thatcher to Poland.

Aleksander Koj

Mickiewicza 13 m 4 31-120 Krakow, Poland