25 JANUARY 1840, Page 11


The Elizabeth, Iiighat, from Madras to Liverpool, was totally wrecked at Aigna Bay, Cape of Good Ilinte, on the 2.3.1 Nov.—crew sat ed.

Arrived—At Gravesend, Jan. 1311i, Ellen, Ito‘hzers; and Rowley, Alexander, from Singapore; 14th, William Berri-, Terry, from lloint lay ; 15th, Guinare, Williams, from

Singapore ; 17th, Spartan, Bondi:nth from Now South \Vales; th.eeillaw, lb ix from Bengal; Maria, Eidson, from Mmultilts; and Weleme, lilt his, from Batavia, Oil' Margate, 22d, Gilbert Munro. Nirbols at, from Bengal. At Deal, 224. Apprentice, Cadenhead; and Mauritian, Keel, from Mauritius ; Elizabeth \lo Nlielatt, from New Smolt Wales; Prances, lin:,■•H, from the Cape; and Marianne, I late. from Van Diemen's Laud. At 1,iverrool. 1211,, Zoe, Holmes, from Mastitis: ; William Shand, Potter, from Itengal; 17111, Tweed, 1,a, ,on, from ditto ; 20ili, Untin, Gill- man. from Bombay; and Ifreatit, Squires, from Mauritius. Al the Cape, previous to 10th November, ( o■diawk, NS alley. from Newcastle ; Eliza Heywood. Heywood, from Bengal; Finite's gnith. Edmonds, fr.an Madras; (nit,. Branch, Lindsay. from 1-1tualerland; Mary Ann, Tarbett ; DorliaM. Iiichnhia, 11,11C; and N'ernott, Denny, front London. At Mauritius, (let. 25th, .1;aica, ll:unuanut. from Bristol; and 26th, Alibar, :1cl:ivy, from the ('lyde. At Van Diemen 's Lunt, Sept. 11th, Hindustan, Land); 16th, Fortitude, ; and 25,11, \Vas..., fr.in London. At New South \Vales, Aug. 19th, Navarino, Warming, from Cork ; Abberton, Cult, from Loudon ; 23t1, Ift Ronnie, Kemp, from Liverpool; and 111:,:oralt :Merchant, —, from lb-6401. stereamv Nioaaiss. A ship, suppo,cit tube the Samuel Bross ti, King, from the Mauritius, was totally wrecked last 'light on the Goodwin Sands ; all on boal'il it I hint.. pciishetl. The Indiana, Itichardson, from Calcutta to Lis erpoul, was lost 01. the instant, in Freshwater liar—crew saved. Argued—Oil' Margate, Lady Fitzlierbert, Farrier, from New South Wales, In the Downs, (.!ottinioilore,—, Prole Nlaiiritins. At New South Wales, t'aleinta, lbss;

Cornwall. Cow ; Whiteside ; Se,oaris, Itos..e; and Fair Barlanlialt, Smith, from London.