25 JANUARY 1851, Page 17


A new diorama bearing this title has been opened at the Gallery of Il- lustration in Regent Street, where that of the "Overland Route" has so long drawn nightly admirers. The same artists, Messrs. Grieve and Tel- bin, aided by Mr. Absolcm with figures and by Mr. Herring with animala, here present the rural aspect and life of England in the eighteenth century according to the changes of season. May-day, haymaking, sheep-shearing, the harvest, hop-picking, and Christmas festivities, pass in succession, Subjects too familiar, perhaps, in a less extended scale of treatment, to ex- cite the same interest as the wonders of a strange land, whether viewed as novelties or as reminiscences. There are skill and truth, however, in the new diorama : the character of English scenery, especially in the dis- tame, is often well rendered; and the autumn moonlight may be cited as a remarkable success in beauty of effect. It is to be regretted that, through some failure in mechanical contrivance, the skies, if at all in shadow, should uniformly assume a tinge of the most vivid and decided green.