25 JANUARY 1890, Page 1

Lord Napier of Magdala was buried on Tuesday in St.

Paul's, with all the pomp attending a public military funeral. Although the route from the Tower to the Cathedral is a short one, the people turned out in hundreds of thousands, and the momentary suspension of life in the City showed the depth of the general interest. We have said enough of the utility of such ceremonials elsewhere, and need only add here that in the Cathedral nothing marred the solemn splendour of the unusual scene, one which has not occurred since the burial of the Duke of Wellington. The deceased soldier was entitled, as Field-Marshal, to much military ceremony at his funeral; but it was not his rank in the Army which secured him a grave in St. Paul's, or brought such a brilliant con- course of mourning Princes and soldiers to stand around his grave. Those honours were paid only to his character and career.