25 JANUARY 1890, Page 22

The Lord of Humanity. By Frederic James Gant. (Hatchards.) —This

is a thoughtful book on the relation of Christ to the human race, written by one who looks back to the teaching of F. D. Maurice as that which first made him see light in these matters. "Re is the embodiment of a pre-existent Righteous

Being a Person in Whom man's life was originally created, and in Whom he is constituted in righteousness

Hence His Life, in its perfect Righteousness; His Death, in the Atoning efficacy, therefore, of His self-sacrificing obedience unto the consequence of man's Sin; His Resurrection, in its Life-restoring power ; and His Ascension, in a Spiritualised form of Humanity : each and all, having been in the body of man's sin, became the pre- rogative of every man, woman, and child." This is as convenient a summary as we can find of Mr. Gent's views. We commend his book to our readers.