25 JANUARY 1896, Page 10

Brighton as I have Known it. By George Augustus Sala.

(AI and C. Black.)—The late Mr. Sala in his little hand-book has done justice—some readers may be inclined to say more than justice— to "the most famous of English watering-places." Famous it is no doubt, but it scarcely justifies the author's further designations of " fascinating " and " enchanting." Picturesque beauty, either of nature or art, is wanting in Brighton, and, while admitting that the long stretch of the sea-front is impressive, we must hesitate in subscribing to the statement that it is " the finest in the whole world." Oddly enough, Mr. Sala refutes what he calls the cock- ney calumny, that Brighton is without a tree, by saying that there is plenty of shade in the Madeira Road, where a tree does not exist. The writer however, who is perfectly familar with his subject, may justly claim many merits for Thackeray's "Dr. Brighton." It has an invigorating climate, the soil, save at the extreme West, is remarkably dry, every facility for pleasure- taking and money-spending is largely provided," the shops in the principal streets are as elegantly stocked as the most luxurious Magazine' of the West-End of London," nowhere are there better hotels and restaurants to be found, and the epicure will be glad to learn that he " can get real turtle-soup at Mutton's." We may add, although this is scarcely necessary, that this tiny volume, which has more pages of advertisements than of letter- press, was compiled by a skilful hand, and contains all the informa- tion which a visitor to Brighton is likely to require.