25 JANUARY 1896, Page 19

It is curious that in the same week in which

the Daily News

• has celebrated its jubilee, our weekly contemporary, the

Guardian, should have also celebrated its own. The Guardian published on Wednesday a paper of great interest not only in relation to the earlier policy of the paper, but in relation to its present attitude and future prospects. We are very glad to find our ecclesiastical contemporary insisting vigorously on its old refusal to confine itself to subjects of religions and ecclesiastical interest, and on the duty of placing before the clergy all news affecting the political and social and general condition of the world, whether in the -domain of religion and the various Churches, or otherwise. Purely religious papers are very apt to be unmanly. Amongst the many valuable papers which the jubilee number contains, Canon Gore's has for us a singularly deep interest. This, for instance, expresses very pithily the change which has come over the relation of the Church to Non- conformists since the Guardian was first set on foot. " The Church of England and the Nonconformists, both Roman and Protestant, are found to have passed from a position deter- mined by their relation to the State and to society, into a relation determined by ecclesiastical or anti-ecclesiastical principles. In the future, though the Church of England may remain in fact an Established Church, her interests, her importance, and the affections attaching to her in men's minds will depend on her getting her principles felt." We con- gratulate the Guardian, heartily on its very interesting and impressive jubilee number.