25 JANUARY 1902, Page 10

Why I am a Churchman. By Joseph Hammond, LL.B. (Mow-

bray and Co.)—Canon Hammond gives the reasons which led him to leave the Wesleyan community for the Anglican Church, and gives them in sober, moderate language. He dots not, any- how, emulate Dr. Joseph Parker, who, if he is correctly quoted, declared that " God cannot convert a Dissenter into a National Churchman because God never converts wise men into fools." (Surely the divine guidance may take a man to the circum_ stances where his spiritual being will best flourish. Keble would hardly have found the City Temple congenial.) We do not think that Canon Hammond quite disposes of all his difficulties. The theory of a "territorial Church" is not easy to work out. The Anglican visitor has what is called a "temporary provision"; but how about the native Frenchman who feels what our own Reformers felt in the sixteenth- century ? Or take Abyssinia, or a theory of this kind is best tried by extreme cases.