25 JANUARY 1902, Page 17


THE war news calls for no . great amount of comment. There have been a fair number of captures throughout the field, and several laagers have been seized and broken up by Lord Methuen. On . the other hand, one or two patrols have been overpowered. On the whole, however, there has been nothing to depress or annoy the public mind during the week, and Lord Kitchener. has been steadily weaving his network of blockhouses round the Boers. We have never been able to feel sure that the time and energy spent on the blockhouses would not have been better spent on securing real mobility, but the die has been cast in favour of • the block- houses, and therefore it is now useless to argue the question. At any rate, Lord Kitchener is working his plan with extraordinary patience and energy, and we fully admit that if adhered to steadily, as it will be, it is sure to do its work in the end.