25 JANUARY 1902, Page 41

• Behold a Sower!- (The Bible House.)—This is a record,

illus- trated with highly interesting examples from very diver:e regious of the world—Kaffraria to Belucbistan, for instance—of the work done by the Bible Society. The library of the Society contains ten thousand volumes, a visible expression of the vast labours which it has performed since its foundation, mow nearly a century ago. " Many are the tongues of mortals," said Homer, knowing, it may be, of a score; the Society has published ver- sions of Scripture in between three and four hundred lan- guages and dialects. his number is eightfold what it was a century ago. But this work yields in importance to that of distribution. As time goes on there will be some decrease in the cost of production; that of distribution cannot but increase. We commend this seasonable little volume to the attention of our readers: