25 JANUARY 1913, Page 32


"SPECTATOR."' Six,—Being away from home and unable to refer to the Hungarian census returns, I can only reply to the last letter of "X" under unfavourable conditions. Nevertheless, I feel it necessary to remark that I cannot accept as accurate the statement that one million Jews are included in the Magyar total. Whatever may be the number, they are such as have become thoroughly imbued with the patriotic Magyar spirit, have adopted the Magyar language as their own, and have become assimilated just as have many families of French, German, Italian, and English origin. If the religious classifi- cation of the Hungarian people were being considered, then Jews as well as Christians and others would have to be taken into account, but in a racial comparison religions charac- teristics need not be considered. In all other points " X " seems to be in agreement with me, and I note with satisfaction that he does not challenge the accuracy of the official statistics. I suppose that " X " will not deny that there are Jews in this country who are good Englishmen.—I am, Sir, &c., Birmingham. W. H. SHRUBSOLE. [We cannot continue this correspondence.—En. Spectator.)