25 JANUARY 1930, Page 3

* * The Government tabled its amendments to. the Coal

Bill on Tuesday. There is provision for a compulsory system of grouping collieries to support the structure of the 1926 Act, which gives the final voice in the amalgama- tion schemes to the Railway and Canal Commission. Three Commissioners are to have authority' to take action over the whole area of the coalfields. The criticism of the quota scheme is met by an amendment discounting any increased value thereby claimed. The problem of wholesale and retail prices is to be tackled by the proniised Bill setting up a Consumers' Council, and meanwhile the pithead price is to be controlled by pro- visions for recourse to independent arbitration. Finally, a definite time limit of three years is fixed for the marketing schemes. These will be enforced for a clear three months before the half-hour reduction in hours, as Mr. Graham had previously intimated. The Govern- ment's amendments seem to meet most of the Liberal criticism that was heard in the House.