25 JANUARY 1935, Page 16


Derbyshire Wardens The scheme launched by the C.P.R.E. for the organization of wardens all over the country is founded on a definite experiment tried out in Derbyshire. Among those who volunteered to act as wardens, and have shown most effective zeal both in showing the beauties of that glorious county to visitors and in persuading the careless tripper to respect them, are men who are in receipt of the "dole." In spite of their poverty and continuous, anxious search for the work that will not present itself, they have room for pride in county and country. The genes ■1 work of the C.P.R.E. is, of course, democratic in the best sense. It would preserve for the sake of the community and especially would facilitate access to scenes of natural beauty. It is hoped that the request for volunteer wardens will find response in al 1 classes and among men, women and even children.